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This blog post has affiliate links, meaning I will earn a small commission if you purchase through my links. Thank you so much for your support! 😘

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Hello! I’m MARITES, and welcome to my online World Travelgodeals – Lifestyle Blog


In this post, I will be sharing with you, how to create a business website if you are a beginner and have started in the world of the internet


Or perhaps you are starting to build your own online business then you are in the right place.


It is crucial to have a website for your business, that way you can claim that it is your business.


Having a website is just like a physical store outside the online world.


If you just only using social media, your way of promoting your business online, for this is not a good idea.


Although many are successful.


But if you want a long-run and stable business then having a website is important.


I experienced that my Facebook account was disabled and locked, and I was fretful.


This is the reason why I have created my website.


Let’s not forget that, we do not own social media sites.


So at any time, our social media account could be disabled and locked or possibly may be hacked which is disappointing and bothering.


Save This Pin To Bookmark This Post On Pinterest!

How To - Have Business Website Beginner Guide
How To – Have Business Website Beginner Guide


EasyWP - first month free! Affordable
EasyWP – first month free! Affordable


Related: Business Opportunity Beginner



1. The potential for worldwide reach is limitless

 At the point when you make a site, the measured contact you can acquire through this stage is limitless.


Numerous businesses might fantasize about extending worldwide and being on the web can unquestionably positively impact that.


There are over 4.66 billion individuals on the planet at present that utilize the web and a lot of businesses are getting a cut of that monetary pie about the computerized world.


2. It opens more doors for business collaborations

Working together with others on a public and worldwide scale can start your business up for additional opportunities.


These changes probably wouldn’t have come if not for being on the web, and by having a site, you can make these associations. 


3. You can learn more about your clients

Your clients are the greatest assets in your business, and, fundamentally, you’re willing to change with the occasion to keep them where you need them.


With such a lot of competition out there, you would truly prefer not to give them any excuse to look somewhere else.


With a site, you’re showing your clients that you need to be seen on the web and that it tends to be another approach to interface with the business as a client of your products and services.


Well, the more you think about your clients, the better you can target them for your business.


The cash you spend on promoting ads will be better spent because it will reach the right audiences.


4. Your competitors probably have a website

Watching out for your competitors is significant, and it’s something worth thinking about concerning making a site.


You need to remain a couple of steps ahead, and one of the approaches to do that is through a site.


With a site, you can likewise make a news or blog segment that permits you to refresh your applicable industry with any news or top-notch articles.


These can wind up boosting your voice and could even make you a specialist in your industry.


5. A website adds credibility to your business

Credibility is something that matters to many businesses because it can establish you as a company.


Which is particularly important when you’re new to the industry.


Having a website will place you available in the market


Regardless of whether you’ve been operating your business for a long time.


The computerized world is not the same as this present reality, without a site, you can’t actually be trusted or you just will not get taken notice of.


With the advancement of promotion and link-building happening within the web, it’s worth seriously having an essential and simple site, rather than having nothing.



Related: Professional Business Email for your email marketing. Enable you to send your brand out there Get Here >


So, let’s get started…

First, of first – all you have to do is buy your DOMAIN NAME and HOSTING.


Most Cheapest price outhere - Domains + Hosting + Security
The cheapest price out here – Domains + Hosting + Security




Represent your business brand because this is the first thing website visitors and customers type into a browser search bar.


The name could be your name or your company name for example- or




or Website hosting is the one capable of keeping files and data serving to all sites so that it can be accessible all over the internet.


This is more crucial than the PC or computer space.





Domain Names, Hosting l Instant Domain Search
Domain Names, Hosting l Instant Domain Search


This is where I bought my hosting & domain name. Namecheap from the word cheap is cheap compared to many providers out there.


It is cheap but it has good quality and the customer support is excellent.


I once experienced trouble, so I messaged them and they replied to me, and provided me with the steps immediately.


– Just sign up below or create your account with NAMECHEAP


Website Domain Name Registration

Website Domain Name Registration 

Learn More >


Once you are inside the Namecheap – you will now brainstorm your domain name.


Use of domain name + .com – this is the most popular and known to people if you would say .com

this means in their mind, this is a website and can be easy to remember.


Your domain name must be easy to remember, and short not more than 4 syllables, to make it branded.


It must be unique easy to type and readable.

Like mine –


I have chosen since my business is about the travel industry.


This has also a blog, so I can post my voice and fantasy ideas, with a lifestyle niche that I prefer.


Type your domain here, sometimes your chosen domain name is taken, so you need to think of another one.


Then just click the search bar.
If your domain name is available then just add it to the cart.

Domain name registration, hosting, and more...
Domain name registration, hosting, and more…

Learn More >


Also, Include These:

Premium DNS
Hosting – WordPress Hosting – EASY WP Starter

– As a starter, you just choose the EasyWPStarter.

– Just follow the steps
– Confirm order
– Payment options – NAMECHEAP accepts PayPal. master & visa card
 Check your email address used since Namecheap will send you a notification of your purchase.



Find Services From Freelancers
Find Services From Freelancers


Is a marketplace platform that connects businesses with – demand skilled freelancers offering digital services or gigs,

like animation, graphic design, programming, web developing & many more.


My business is about travel (before) and Lifestyle Blog (now)because I was an independent travel agent before. 

I was searching on about travel.


I was attracted to a service or gig ( this is the service called on Fiverr), which says that the seller will develop a travel affiliate website.


Many travel agents also dive into affiliate program opportunities because of “FREEDOM OF TIME” So I think, why not try this?


For affiliate marketers and merchants platform
For affiliate marketers and merchant’s platform


My final choice is a website that has a blog and shop.  (inclusions of the plan)


Create an account at

Type in the search bar programming or web developer then click “search for freelancers” You will be redirected to 


Once you are inside the Fiverr.COM
Find the services you want to – type in the search bar
Example – “web developer”.


If you can not find one try again by typing another keyword relating to the services you are looking for.
( You can just explore everything inside )


NOTE: Read the offers of the Fiverr seller and the inclusions also the price of the plan that the seller has.


Online Courses l Fiverr
Online Courses l Fiverr

Once you have attracted and decided which offer, you can now start messaging the seller for more details.


He will give you some instructions for your order then proceed to payment and wait for the delivery lead time and that’s it.


Once the Fiverr seller delivers your website, he will give you the login link to your website. (WordPress website).


Then you now change the password immediately as you receive it.


Wordpress website log in
WordPress website log-in











You have to log in to your WordPress website dashboard


Hover your cursor on PLUGINS in the sidebar – 
You can also search for plugins at the search bar.


Click INSTALL NOW, the plugins you need then activate PLUGIN.


That’s it. You also need to update those installed plugins.


Plugins are programs that you can install on your website and then you can customize them according to your preference on how it functions on your website.


It is vital to research plugins before installing and activating one.



•Improvement of SEO optimization
•Analytics report, which pages have the most and     least traffic
•Social sharing follow widget
•Security of your website
•Add contact forms
Add live chat
•Add translator
•Image gallery
•Website performance



Related: The most affordable way to protect your internet freedom is fast and secure. With over 1000 servers in more than 50 countries location! Learn More >


I spent $130 to make my website with the help of a freelancer last January 2021
For my domain name and hosting $40
For a web developer is $90


Find skilled freelancers
Find skilled freelancers

Learn More >


You can browse at Fiverr if you need services regarding your WordPress website issue which you can not afford to fix on your own.


Note: A website with a Blog is better, which will drive more traffic to your website and can something turn into leads as I read some articles about blogging.


With Blogging, you can now start searching for products with affiliate programs

and you can generate revenue from people who purchased with your affiliate links.
( There are many articles and tutorials to learn about affiliate marketing and blogging)




Domains name registration, hosting, SSL and more
Domains name registration, hosting, SSL, and more

Learn More >


As of today, I am happy and learning a lot in my editing and posting.

To this date, I have more than 50 blogs already!

You must explore your WordPress dashboard and I am pretty sure you can hit publish with your first blog if you are starting the blogging journey!.. Lol… ☺️


FOLLOW ME ON PINTEREST! Please click the image below…




The digital world in the future – There’s no rejecting that the digital world is in our future.

With greater speculation and investigation into innovation, the more the online world will change, develop, and keep on flourishing.

As a business, it is important to recognize and use it for your potential benefit, especially since nowadays people are more online now.

It will prevent your business from falling to the waste side as so many have done due to not adjusting.

Adjusting to change is basic for businesses these days.

A website isn’t that difficult to make, and there are more than enough people out there to help create it for you.

The power of the internet is out there, and it is allowed to use it, so why not dare to use it?


Thank you for stopping and reading here

We publish new blog content every week!

See you on our next blog! 😘


ζ ⇑ ••Σ ξ – End of Post – •• ξ⇑



Learn More Click Here >>


Once you are inside the Namecheap – you will now brainstorm your domain name.

Use of domain name + .com – this is the most popular and known to people if you would say .com this means in their mind, this is a website and can be easy to remember.

Your domain name must be easy to remember, and short not more than 4 syllables, to make it branded.

It must be unique and easy to type and readable.

Like mine –

travelgodeals website
travelgodeals website






I have chosen since my business is about the travel industry.

This has also a blog, so I can post my voice and fantasy ideas, with a lifestyle niche that I preferred.

Type your domain here, sometimes your chosen domain name is taken, so you need to think of another one.

Then just click the search bar.
If your domain name is available then just add it to the cart.

Domain name registration, hosting, and more...
Domain name registration, hosting, and more…




Learn More Click Here>>


Also, Include These:

Premium DNS
Hosting – WordPress Hosting – EASY WP Starter
– As a starter, you just choose the EasyWPStarter.

– Just follow the steps
– Confirm order
– Payment options – NAMECHEAP accepts PayPal. master & visa card
 Check your email address used since Namecheap will send you a notification of your purchase.



Is a marketplace platform that connects businesses with – demand skilled freelancers offering digital services or gigs, like animation, graphic design, programming, web developing & many more.

Since my business is about travel because I am an independent travel agent. I was searching on about travel.

I was attracted to a service or gig ( this is the service called on Fiverr), which says that the seller will develop a travel affiliate website.

Many travel agents also dive into affiliate program opportunities because of “FREEDOM OF TIME” So I think, why not try this?


My final choice is a website that has a blog and shop. (inclusions of the plan ).

Create an account at

Type in the search bar programming or web developer then click “search for freelancers” You will be redirected to 

Once you are inside the Fiverr.COM
Find the services you want to – type in the search bar
Example – “web developer”.

If you can not find one try again by typing another keyword relating to the services you are looking for.
( You can just explore everything inside )

NOTE: Read the offers of the Fiverr seller and the inclusions also the price of the plan that the seller has.

Once you have attracted and decided which offer, you can now start messaging the seller for more details.

He will give you some instructions for your order then proceed to payment and wait for the delivery lead time and that’s it.

Once the Fiverr seller delivered your website, he is now giving you the login link to your website. ( WordPress website).

Then you now change the password immediately as you received it.


Wordpress website log in
WordPress website log in










Hover your cursor on PLUGINS in the sidebar – 
You can also search for plugins at the search bar.

Click INSTALL NOW, the plugins you need then activate PLUGIN.

That’s it. You also need to update those installed plugins.

Plugins are programs that you can install on your website and then you can customize them according to your preference on how it functions on your website.

It is vital to research plugins before installing and activating one.



•Improvement of SEO optimization
•Analytics report, which pages have the most and     least traffic
•Social sharing follow widget
•Security of your website
•Add contact forms
Add live chat
•Add translator
•Image gallery
•Website performance


Most Affordable way to protect your internet freedom fast and secure. With over 1000 servers in more than 50 countries location!

Learn More Click Here>>


I personally spent $130 to make my website with the help of a freelancer last year in February 2021
For my domain name and hosting $40
For a web developer is $90

Find skilled freelancers
Find skilled freelancers




Learn More Click Here>>

Since I am not a tech-savvy person, I have my I.T who does my request every time I have one, like integrating my affiliate API, putting the banners of my affiliate, and many more.

I found my I.T on FACEBOOK so you can browse there if you like too.

Note: A website with a Blog is better, which will drive more traffic to your website and can something turn into leads.

With Blogging, you can now start searching for products with affiliate programs and you can generate revenue from people who made a purchase with your affiliate links.
( There are many articles and tutorials to learn about affiliate marketing and blogging)


Domains name registration, hosting, SSL and more
Domains name registration, hosting, SSL, and more




Learn More Click Here>>


As of today I am happy and learning a lot in my editing stage. My blog post that you are now reading particularly. You must explore your wordress dashboard and I am pretty sure you can hit publish with your blog if you are starting the blogging journey!.. Lol… ☺️?



The digital world in the future – There’s no rejecting that the digital world is in our future. With greater speculation and investigation into innovation, the more the online world will change, develop, and keep on flourishing.

As a business, it is important to recognize and use it for your potential benefit, especially since nowadays people are more online due to the continuous pandemic. It will prevent your business from falling to the waste side as so many have done due to not adjusting. Adjusting to change is basic for businesses these days to do.

A website isn’t that difficult to make, and there are more than enough people out there to help create it for you. The power of the internet is out there, and it is allowed to use it, so why not dare to use it?



This website has affiliate links. I’ll earn a small commission from your purchase at no additional cost to you. A way of supporting myself, and my website, and helping me to continue creating free useful content for you.
I will only recommend products and services carefully chosen based on my thorough research and some of my positive experiences with them.

Thank You… ?

develop your skills, take a course with






Hello! I’m MARITES, and welcome to my online World Travelgodeals – Lifestyle


In this post, I will be sharing with you, how to create a business website if you are a beginner and have started in the world of the internet


Or perhaps you are starting to build your own online business then you are in the right place.


It is crucial to have a website for your business, that way you can claim that it is your business.


Having a website is just like a physical store outside the online world.


If you just only using social media, your way of promoting your business online, for this is not a good idea.


Although many are successful.


But if you want a long-run and stable business then having a website is important.


I experienced that my Facebook account was disabled and locked, and I was fretful.


This is the reason why I have created my website.


Let’s not forget that, we do not own social media sites.


So at any time, our social media account could be disabled and locked or possibly may be hacked which is really disappointing and bothering.


EasyWP - first month free!




1. The potential for worldwide reach is limitless

 At the point when you make a site, the measured contact you can acquire through this stage is limitless.


Numerous businesses might fantasize about extending worldwide and being on the web can unquestionably positively impact that.


There are over 4.66 billion individuals on the planet at present that utilize the web and a lot of businesses are getting a cut of that monetary pie with regard to the computerized world.



2. It opens more doors for business collaborations

Working together with others on a public and worldwide scale can start your business up for additional opportunities.


These changes probably won’t have come if not for being on the web, and by having a site, you can make these associations. 



3. You can learn more about your clients

Your clients are the greatest assets in your business, and, fundamentally, you’re willing to change with the occasion to keep them where you need them.


With such a lot of competition out there, you would truly prefer not to give them any excuse to look somewhere else.


With a site, you’re showing your clients that you need to be seen on the web and that it tends to be another approach to interface with the business as a client of your products and services.


Well, the more you think about your clients, the better you can target them for your business.


The cash you spend on promoting ads will be better spent because it will reach the right audiences.



4. Your competitors probably have a website

Watching out for your competitors is significant, and it’s something worth thinking about concerning making a site.


You need to remain a couple of steps ahead, and one of the approaches to do that is through a site.


With a site, you can likewise make a news or blog segment that permits you to refresh your applicable industry with any news or top-notch articles.


These can wind up boosting your voice and could even make you a specialist in your industry.



5. A website adds credibility to your business

Credibility is something that matters to many businesses because it can establish you as a company.


Which is particularly important when you’re new to the industry.


Having a website will place you available in the market


Regardless of whether you’ve been operating your business for a long time.


The computerized world is not the same as this present reality, without a site, you can’t actually be trusted or you just will not get taken notice of.


With the advancement of promotion and link-building happening within the web, it’s worth seriously having an essential and simple site, rather than having nothing.



FREE E-BOOK 57 + ways to get traffic to your website for free Get Here >>

Professional Business Email for your email marketing. Enable you to send your brand out there Get Here >> 


So, let’s get started…

First, of first – all you have to do is buy your DOMAIN NAME and HOSTING.


Domains + Hosting + Security




Represent your business brand because this is the first thing website visitors and customers type into a browser search bar.


The name could be your name or your company name for example- or




or Website hosting is the one capable of keeping files and data serving to all sites so that it can be accessible all over the internet.


This is more crucial than the PC or computer space.





Domain Names, Hosting l Instant Domain Search
Domain Names, Hosting l Instant Domain Search


This is where I bought my hosting & domain name. Namecheap from the word cheap is cheap compared to many providers out there.


It is cheap but it has good quality and the customer support is excellent.


I once experienced trouble, so I message them and they replied to me, and provided me with the steps immediately.


– Just sign up below or create your account with NAMECHEAP


Website Domain Name Registration

Website Domain Name Registration 

Learn More Click Here >>


Once you are inside the Namecheap – you will now brainstorm your domain name.


Use of domain name + .com – this is the most popular and known to people if you would say .com this means in their mind, this is a website and can be easy to remember.


Your domain name must be easy to remember, and short not more than 4 syllables, to make it branded.


It must be unique and easy to type and readable.

Like mine –


I have chosen since my business is about the travel industry.


This has also a blog, so I can post my voice and fantasy ideas, with a lifestyle niche that I preferred.


Type your domain here, sometimes your chosen domain name is taken, so you need to think of another one.


Then just click the search bar.
If your domain name is available then just add it to the cart.

Domain name registration, hosting, and more...
Domain name registration, hosting, and more…




Learn More Click Here >>


Also, Include These:

Premium DNS
Hosting – WordPress Hosting – EASY WP Starter

– As a starter, you just choose the EasyWPStarter.

– Just follow the steps
– Confirm order
– Payment options – NAMECHEAP accepts PayPal. master & visa card
 Check your email address used since Namecheap will send you a notification of your purchase.




Find Services From Freelancers
Find Services From Freelancers


Is a marketplace platform that connects businesses with – demand skilled freelancers offering digital services or gigs, like animation, graphic design, programming, web developing & many more.


Since my business is about travel because I am an independent travel agent before.  I was searching on about travel.


I was attracted to a service or gig ( this is the service called on Fiverr), which says that the seller will develop a travel affiliate website.


Many travel agents also dive into affiliate program opportunities because of “FREEDOM OF TIME” So I think, why not try this?



My final choice is a website that has a blog and shop. (inclusions of the plan)


Create an account at

Type in the search bar programming or web developer then click “search for freelancers” You will be redirected to 


Once you are inside the Fiverr.COM
Find the services you want to – type in the search bar
Example – “web developer”.


If you can not find one try again by typing another keyword relating to the services you are looking for.
( You can just explore everything inside )


NOTE: Read the offers of the Fiverr seller and the inclusions also the price of the plan that the seller has.


Online Courses l Fiverr
Online Courses l Fiverr

Once you have attracted and decided which offer, you can now start messaging the seller for more details.


He will give you some instructions for your order then proceed to payment and wait for the delivery lead time and that’s it.


Once the Fiverr seller delivered your website, he is now giving you the login link to your website. ( WordPress website).


Then you now change the password immediately as you received it.


Wordpress website log in
WordPress website log in











You have to log in to your WordPress website dashboard


Hover your cursor on PLUGINS in the sidebar – 
You can also search for plugins at the search bar.


Click INSTALL NOW, the plugins you need then activate PLUGIN.


That’s it. You also need to update those installed plugins.


Plugins are programs that you can install on your website and then you can customize them according to your preference on how it functions on your website.


It is vital to research plugins before installing and activating one.



•Improvement of SEO optimization
•Analytics report, which pages have the most and     least traffic
•Social sharing follow widget
•Security of your website
•Add contact forms
Add live chat
•Add translator
•Image gallery
•Website performance


Most Affordable way to protect your internet freedom fast and secure. With over 1000 servers in more than 50 countries location! Learn More Click Here >>


I personally spent $130 to make my website with the help of a freelancer last year in February 2021
For my domain name and hosting $40
For a web developer is $90


Find skilled freelancers
Find skilled freelancers




Learn More Click Here >>


Since I am not a tech-savvy person, I have my I.T. who does my request every time I have one, like integrating my affiliate API and fixing errors that I can’t do. 


I found my I.T. on FACEBOOK so you can browse there if you like too or find services to fiverr 


Note: A website with a Blog is better, which will drive more traffic to your website and can something turn into leads.


With Blogging, you can now start searching for products with affiliate programs and you can generate revenue from people who made a purchase with your affiliate links.
( There are many articles and tutorials to learn about affiliate marketing and blogging)




Domains name registration, hosting, SSL and more
Domains name registration, hosting, SSL, and more



Learn More Click Here >>


As of today I am happy and learning a lot in my editing stage. My blog post that you are now reading particularly. You must explore your wordress dashboard and I am pretty sure you can hit publish with your first blog if you are starting the blogging journey!.. Lol… ☺️

FOLLOW ME ON PINTEREST! Please click the image below…



The digital world in the future – There’s no rejecting that the digital world is in our future.

With greater speculation and investigation into innovation, the more the online world will change, develop, and keep on flourishing.

As a business, it is important to recognize and use it for your potential benefit, especially since nowadays people are more online due to the continuous pandemic.

It will prevent your business from falling to the waste side as so many have done due to not adjusting. Adjusting to change is basic for businesses these days to do.

A website isn’t that difficult to make, and there are more than enough people out there to help create it for you.

The power of the internet is out there, and it is allowed to use it, so why not dare to use it?


Learn More Click Here >>


Once you are inside the Namecheap – you will now brainstorm your domain name.

Use of domain name + .com – this is the most popular and known to people if you would say .com this means in their mind, this is a website and can be easy to remember.

Your domain name must be easy to remember, and short not more than 4 syllables, to make it branded.

It must be unique and easy to type and readable.

Like mine –

travelgodeals website
travelgodeals website






I have chosen since my business is about the travel industry.

This has also a blog, so I can post my voice and fantasy ideas, with a lifestyle niche that I preferred.

Type your domain here, sometimes your chosen domain name is taken, so you need to think of another one.

Then just click the search bar.
If your domain name is available then just add it to the cart.

Domain name registration, hosting, and more...
Domain name registration, hosting, and more…




Learn More Click Here>>


Also, Include These:

Premium DNS
Hosting – WordPress Hosting – EASY WP Starter
– As a starter, you just choose the EasyWPStarter.

– Just follow the steps
– Confirm order
– Payment options – NAMECHEAP accepts PayPal. master & visa card
 Check your email address used since Namecheap will send you a notification of your purchase.



Is a marketplace platform that connects businesses with – demand skilled freelancers offering digital services or gigs, like animation, graphic design, programming, web developing & many more.

Since my business is about travel because I am an independent travel agent. I was searching on about travel.

I was attracted to a service or gig ( this is the service called on Fiverr), which says that the seller will develop a travel affiliate website.

Many travel agents also dive into affiliate program opportunities because of “FREEDOM OF TIME” So I think, why not try this?


My final choice is a website that has a blog and shop. (inclusions of the plan ).

Create an account at

Type in the search bar programming or web developer then click “search for freelancers” You will be redirected to 

Once you are inside the Fiverr.COM
Find the services you want to – type in the search bar
Example – “web developer”.

If you can not find one try again by typing another keyword relating to the services you are looking for.
( You can just explore everything inside )

NOTE: Read the offers of the Fiverr seller and the inclusions also the price of the plan that the seller has.

Once you have attracted and decided which offer, you can now start messaging the seller for more details.

He will give you some instructions for your order then proceed to payment and wait for the delivery lead time and that’s it.

Once the Fiverr seller delivered your website, he is now giving you the login link to your website. ( WordPress website).

Then you now change the password immediately as you received it.


Wordpress website log in
WordPress website log in










Hover your cursor on PLUGINS in the sidebar – 
You can also search for plugins at the search bar.

Click INSTALL NOW, the plugins you need then activate PLUGIN.

That’s it. You also need to update those installed plugins.

Plugins are programs that you can install on your website and then you can customize them according to your preference on how it functions on your website.

It is vital to research plugins before installing and activating one.



•Improvement of SEO optimization
•Analytics report, which pages have the most and     least traffic
•Social sharing follow widget
•Security of your website
•Add contact forms
Add live chat
•Add translator
•Image gallery
•Website performance


Most Affordable way to protect your internet freedom fast and secure. With over 1000 servers in more than 50 countries location!

Learn More Click Here>>


I personally spent $130 to make my website with the help of a freelancer last year in February 2021
For my domain name and hosting $40
For a web developer is $90

Find skilled freelancers
Find skilled freelancers




Learn More Click Here>>

Since I am not a tech-savvy person, I have my I.T who does my request every time I have one, like integrating my affiliate API, putting the banners of my affiliate, and many more.

I found my I.T on FACEBOOK so you can browse there if you like too.

Note: A website with a Blog is better, which will drive more traffic to your website and can something turn into leads.

With Blogging, you can now start searching for products with affiliate programs and you can generate revenue from people who made a purchase with your affiliate links.
( There are many articles and tutorials to learn about affiliate marketing and blogging)


Domains name registration, hosting, SSL and more
Domains name registration, hosting, SSL, and more




Learn More Click Here>>


As of today I am happy and learning a lot in my editing stage. My blog post that you are now reading particularly. You must explore your wordress dashboard and I am pretty sure you can hit publish with your blog if you are starting the blogging journey!.. Lol… ☺️?



The digital world in the future – There’s no rejecting that the digital world is in our future. With greater speculation and investigation into innovation, the more the online world will change, develop, and keep on flourishing.

As a business, it is important to recognize and use it for your potential benefit, especially since nowadays people are more online due to the continuous pandemic. It will prevent your business from falling to the waste side as so many have done due to not adjusting. Adjusting to change is basic for businesses these days to do.

A website isn’t that difficult to make, and there are more than enough people out there to help create it for you. The power of the internet is out there, and it is allowed to use it, so why not dare to use it?



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